Cherry Pie

What is Cherry Pie?


a virgin's pussy

See Nate


A virgin's vagina. Term originated from the song 'Sweet Cherry Pie' by the old band Warrant.

I want to eat a girl out tonight..but not a whore..I'm craving some cherry pie.


A delicious pie made up of cherries.


Pastry for a double crust pie

4 - 4 1/2 cups pitted red sour cherries

1 cup sugar

1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch

1/2 teaspoon salt

dash of almond flavoring (optional up to 1/4 teaspoon)

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon milk

Preheat oven to 425ºF.

In a large bowl, mix together cherries, sugar, cornstarch, salt and almond flavoring. Line a 9" pie plate with 1/2 the pastry, rolled thin. Pour the cherry mixture into the pastry-lined plate. Top with second layer of pastry.

Glaze pastry with a mixture of sugar and milk, using a pastry brush. Cut vents into the top pastry layer to let steam escape.

Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350ºF and bake 35 minutes more or until filling is bubbling and pastry is browned.

Let cool before cutting.

Yummy with vanilla or cherry vanilla ice cream.

"I like my cherry pie more sweet than sour"

What? You were expecting something else?

Dirty mind!

See cherry pie, pussy, virgin, pussy pie, cherries, cunt, butthole, cunt pie


The person who popped your Cherry (Male or Female). Derived from the Warrant song 'Cherry Pie'

"Christ don't look now but your Cherry Pie just walked in"

See cherrypie, cherry pie, cherry, Blaize



1. A baked good consisting mostly of a flaky crust and a sweet, cherry-flavored filling. Sometimes, a whipped topping will be added, but this is not always the case.

2. A virgin's vagina.

1. Oh Grandmother, you're cherry pie is sure to win 1st place at this year's baked goods competition.

2. So, I was fucking the shit outta this bitch right, and she starts screaming all loud and shit. She was all acting like it hurt. And I was like, "Shiiiit." I mean, I knew that pussy was tight, but I didn't think it was no cherry pie.

See shiiiit, cherry, pie, vagina


when you shag a girl on their period

errrrrrrr i accidentally cherry pied my boyfriend

See blood, period, cherry, pie, shag


When a woman poops while having her period, leaving a red, lumpy and brown caked mix in the toilet, resembling Cherry Pie filling

Dude, stay out of the bathroom, Sharon just cooked up a cherry pie and it stinks like hell!

See cherry, pie, girl, poop, period


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