Cherry Slut

What is Cherry Slut?


Virgin who acts like they have had sex with the entire tristate area, but everyone knows that no one would ever have sex with them. EVER. Or a girl (or guy, but more commonly a girl) who likes to take boys virginity.

Susan acts and dresses like shes promiscuous, but everyone knows she's just a cherry slut.

Did you here about Jan? That cherry slut took my thirteen-year-old brother's virginity!

See cherry, slut, whore


1. A virgin who not only dresses, but claims to be a slut. Often lies about sexual encounters to appear more "experienced" or "cool." Winces when someone actually talks about the sexual act. Most often are 11 year old girls.

2. A girl who enjoys taking boys' virginity.

Oh, she may walk and talk like a whore, but the girl just a cherry slut.

Did you hear about that senior, Jen? That Cherry slut took my thirteen-year-old brother's virginity!

See cherry, slut, whore


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