
What is Cheshtang?


Cheshtang is a persian word usd to call chinese people. Cheshtang in english means tight eyes. Cheshtang Tubing is also known as thin and tight tubing just like chinese peoples eyes.

Where are you going Cheshtang?

China town is full of Cheshtangs

See chinese, korean, china


Cheshtangs are chinese, japanese, and korean people. Usually in farsi, the word "cheshtang" means a man/women who has tight eyes like chinese, japanese, and korean people. If you up to a cheshtang and say, "hey yo cheshtang whats up"? They will be so confused, but if you call them chiney, they'll get so pissed of at you. Cheshtang is the same definiton as bushchob, but bushchob means plate in farsi and usually cheshtangs have flat faces so they call them bushchobs (plates).

cheshtang: kooneecheewah welcome to my store, what do you want?

persian: wait....

cheshtang: what do you want commmon tell me you persian.

persian: fuck you fucken "cheshtang"!!!!!!!!!!!

See jackie chan, kung fu, martial arts, china


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