
What is Chetto?


a ghetto chinese person like Kevin Tran

a chinese person who acts ghetto like Kevin Tran


Chinese Ghetto,

Bo Zhao

Bo is chetto, because he is ghetto.

See ghetto, chinese, bo, zhao, gay


Someone who is fucking cool as fuck.

Listens to bad ass metal that will make your orifices ooze with glee.

Someone who hella pwns you at everything you try to attempt in life.

Otherwise known as a Christina.

Hot chetto

Chetto is one bad mother fucker!

See bby, gore, christina, scene, domination


A ghetto place that starts with a 'C'

chatham, Il equals the chetto

See hobo, bruce lee, bad, dunno


A combination of chunti and ghetto

She is so chetto


latin: the kick ass kids that hang out with the ghetto black kids; ghetto chinese kids that despise paige

damn that chetto kid is totally fly

See allison


Word made up by some white boy (Jeffrey Rose) meaning a ghetto oriental person.

*pst* Hey Kevin... chetto-o-o!


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