Chew Toy

What is Chew Toy?


The person you have or will have carnal relations with, but never a serious relationship.

"Do you like my chew toy for the night? I met him on the dance floor..."

See flavor of the month, hook-up, booty call, biscuit


One step below a "friend with benefits". Chew toys are not necessarily dating or even seeing each other outside of their activitys. Chew toys may be met a work, school, or in any other arena.

Sara's chew toy is Jason...No word yet on whether or not they're dating, however...


A Chew toy is when the girl,(or guy), bites on the scrotum and the ferociously shakes it around with their teeth while making growling noises.

"Oh man, my bag is all red and its bleeding a little, im gonna pass on the chew toy next time."

See bite, scrotum, growling


the thing a dog chews on, you dumbasses.

all the other people that wrote defenitions for "chew toy" are dumbasses.

See dumbass, chew, toy, dog, stupid


When a man is given oral sex by a bitch(pun) or a male dog

stacey was being a idiot yet again, but i thought no matter...Rex is here..."REX, CHEW TOY!"

See sex, boobs, blow, job, mushroom, stamp, hump, lesbian, funny, diss


A person(friend, SO, etc.) you enjoy to bite or nibble on (especially people with biting fetishes or furries), or a friend you tease with biting because the squirm away from it.

"I'm seeing a lot of marks... Have you been playing with your chew toy again?"

See chew toy, tease, biting, furries, fetish


Slang, Loving nickname for writer Kenneth Che-tew Eng, self-proclaimed "God of the Universe." Also, young basement-dwelling, anti-social chronic masturbator


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