
What is Chewish?


A cheap chinese person or chink; that may or may not practice Judaism, they just need to be extremely cheap, like your typical Jew. ( yamakaoptional)

Chinese + Jewish = Chewish

Chigger: “Yo, what's crackalackin?”

Redneck: “Can I trouble you fo 37 cents? Need postage to mail sumting to my cuz, er I mean wife.”

Chigger: “Dem cracker, get to steppin, I aint got it”

Redneck: “com'on, stop being chewish.”

See wigger, chigger, nigga, nigger, chew, cracker, redneck, platano, ginzo, chink, whitey, jew, oreo


when someone is talking while they are eating this is the language they are speaking

person1: "So mmm(crunch)mmm Whats mmm(chew)mmm happening mm....

Person2: Oh, I didn't know you speak chewish?


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