
What is Cheychey?


1. To be blisfully unaware of your surroundings, and then point them out at a later date, puzzled with their "sudden appearance".

2. To be blissfully unaware of the obvious.

Demoine: When did we get bushes out front?

Marcus: ...since forever. Wow, what a cheychey.

Snorty: Why is the road called Still Creek Drive?

Marcus: OMG LOLZ WHAT A CHEYCHEY!. Because it runs parallel to, and crosses, Still Creek!

See cheychey, lozl, cheyanne, mayonnaise


Having "blonde" moments even when you're not a natural blonde.

Snorty: I sat at my computer and hit the keyboard and mouse but nothing happened. Then 10 mins later, I realized that the computer was off.

Demoine: OMG Snorty, you're such a cheychey

Snorty: Even the new guy I don't talk to was laughing at me. Why do I even talk to you guys (hands up in the air)???

See chey, cheychey, lolz, cheyanne, quot


1) clumsy lesbianic fipino girl 2) a person who makes typographical errors

Jon: cant even spell my own name

Sean: oh man, you just pulled a cheychey!!

Ed: man..what u did was kinda gay!

Pavel: yea, I'm such a cheychey

See chey, shy, chay, shai, shay, Cheyanne


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