
What is Chh?


to mean whateveror lamebut without using the effort.

Dude I'm so outta here.



CHH is a camp undertaken by a group of friends who have all at one stage or another attended St. Francis Xavier College, in Florey, ACT, Australia. (there are some exceptions in attendees, in one case 2 females came who were from differing school, but were good friends with "the boys")'

There is rarely any adult influence, and as a result it revolves around a large group of 8+ teenagers being idiots with various sharp implements.

Hiking is a large part of CHH, as is blatant rascism and sexism, but all in good fun.

It takes it's namesake from "Charlie's Happy Heroes", named after one of the boys on the founding trip. Charlie is not his real name.

"Man, did you go on CHH?"

"Nah man, was it a good one?"

"Yeah, we hiked up a mountain to cut a fence for wire so we could hold our toast!"

"Sweet, you heard 'bout last time with the rabbit?"

"Yeah man, I still have the head"

See frannies, smurf, chh


A sound made in disbelief.

Also when one generally doesn't care and/or thinks your stupid.

Person 1: I can totally jump that!

Person 2: Chh, no way!

See ch, chh, whatever


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