Chicken And Rice

What is Chicken And Rice?


Slang term for a Halal food cart on the corner of 53rd St and 6th Ave in Manhattan, New York City. The platter is the most common thing ordered which consists of chicken, lamb, and beef served over yellow rice with white sauce. It is the most delicious meal in the world.

Chicken and Rice does not need an example, go experience it for yourself.

See chicken, rice, nyc, halal, delicious, yummy, white sauce


meaning you want chicken and rice for whatever meal you may be on -or- is a way to show you could care less. originally formed for no reason by using the phrase obsesive compulsively by ben.

Dude! chicken and rice

See george


meaning all JAKE's are gay and they blow balls at paintball

Jake you are chicken and rice

See bob


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