Chicken Box

What is Chicken Box?


A cardboard or styrofoam box containing 4 to 5 fried chicken wings and french fries. Some chicken box replace the french fries with western fries. Some chicken boxes are sold as combos, adding a half and half.

Me: Let me get a chicken box

Korean Clerk: What'chu want on it

Me: Salt, peppa. ketchup

Korean Clerk: You want largey "alf and alf"

Me: Yeah

Korean Clerk: Six dala


primary source of nutrients for crackheads on greenmont and north in baltimore usa.

crackhead:"dolla fo chicken box son"

cracka:"he's gonna rob us"

crackhead:"dolla dolla son son chiken box sonny son asdkjf'aknnnnnnnnnn!!!!


A run down apartment or squat, wherein crack cocaine addict may procure their fix. (See clucker, crack house)

The cops just busted down that chicken box. Now the cluckers are loitering in the street.

See drugs, dwelling, crack, crack house, squat, clucker, crackhead


A mishearing of chickenpox (varicella), a viral illness characterized by a very itchy red rash. Commonly heard in South Wales, in particular Llanelli.

Despite the lipsmackin' monicker, the discarded scabs are NOT recommended for human consumption.

"Taffy, worra those big scabs yew are scratchin' there? I bet you 'ave the chicken box!"


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