Chicken Legs

What is Chicken Legs?


Thin bony legs. Typically found on someone who is very skinny.

Man 1: "Fat ass!"

Man 2: "What?! I'm ideal weight! At least I don't have chicken legs!"

See Cliff


Very thin, bony human legs, so named for their resemblance to the thin, scrawny little legs of a chicken.

Chicken legs? Have you tried jogging?

Distraught Ex:(Pointing to legs) "You would give up these beauties for these matchsticks?!" (pointing to new flame's legs)

See bony, thin, leg, matchstick, peg leg, chicken


referring to someone with thin, bony legs.

*used in INVADER ZIM*

Gir: It's got Chicken Legs!!

See chicken legs, zim, invader zim, gir, legs


When a guy has skinny legs.

Girl #1: "Your boyfriend has chicken legs"

Girl #2: "So what? who cares! I love him!!"

See skinny, small, no, shape, legs


1)someone with thin legs

2)drumsticks, the actual legmeat of chickens, some ppl call it chicken legs

3)in basketball, while the person checks they throw it at the other persons legs to get the ball

1) ew he has chicken legs

2)i ate chicken legs from kfc

3) wtf don't chicken legs!

See basketball, food, kfc, skinny, ew


a dude that has legs that are skinny like a chickens basically they so skinny you can possibly break them in two

Girl 1: That boys legs were looking like two toothpicks connected to pieces of mofo cheese.

Girl 2: Yeah he got some real chicken legs

See chicken, legs, skinny, mofo, roasting


someone with tiny little legs, that are smaller than one's wrists

damn, that kid jp has some chicken legs!


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