
What is Chickle?


A pickle with a piece of American or chedder cheese wrapped around it.

Very popular in odd regions of the US.

I love to eat chickles. My mom really like to eat chickles


gooey chicken embryos oozing out of someones mouth

Allie's favorite food are chickles

See chickle, chicken, ooze, allie, chicklet


Absolutely nothing, not anything

'What are you up to tonight?'

'Chickle mate.'

See nowt, nothing, none, sod all, very little


mix between a hot girl and a small chicken.

"dude last night i was at the bar, and this proper fit chickle walked in, clucking and all!"

See chick, bird, girl, cluck, hot


Meaning the absence of, or lack of/nothingness

Theres 'chickle' on telly tonight. Paul went to the fridge but there was 'chickle' in there

See nothing, empty, missing, Will Turner


Gum, spanish origin

"Dats some good clickle"

See Kelly


the female version of a chuckle

When a guy chuckles, a girl chickles with him.

See Jennifer


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