
What is Child?


The manifest divine wrath of a vengefull God in punishment for screwing.

God: Thou shalt button up thine fly or I shall become wroth with thee!

Guy: Uhhh, nay(?)


Child: Wah, scream, crap, cash drain etc...

Guy: Oh crud

God: I told thee...

Chick: Wheres my 75% share of your salary?

Guy: Oh crud

God: DONT say I didnt tell thee...

See Clem


A human being who is not yet fully mature. Often thought of as inferior to adults and dull-witted, hence generation after generation of people are becoming more and more stupid.

Child: i'm a happy and undomesticated human!

Society: *crushes spirit*

See happy, wild, free, misunderstood


In ones opinion, it can be either a lovely gift sent down from the heavens, or it can be a curse that leeches off ones self. "Child" is also a term for a human from the age of 1-18 With the stages of: Newborn, Toddler, Child, Teen, and Adult. a Child is Created when a man and a woman have sexual intercourse and the mans sperm reaches the womans ovary. Thereon, it takes an average of 9 months for the Child to be born. Then, it goes through the stages mentioned above, Newborn, Toddler, Child, Teen and Adult.

in the teen years the "Child" Experiences Puberty, which takes about 1-3 years from the devolopment of teen to Adult. The age Scales for these are: Newborn: 1 month-1 Year Child Toddler: 2-4 yhears old. Child: 5-12 years old. Teen: 13-17 Adult: 18+

A Child Lives all the way from The sperm in a womans egg to the old man Leaning on his cane

See child, kid, newborn, toddler, teen, adult


tiny person who insists on shaking themself....constantly

"oh my god i swear if that child in front of me does not stop rocking in their movie seat i will roast them on a spit and serve them to the damned"

See midget, tot, kiddo, fucker, fluff


An individual between birth and puberty. (usually about 0-12 years old)

This 10 year old is a child.

See kid, adult, boy, girl, mother, father


What you all are. You're immature, you're swearing. Urban Dictionary may define your world, but you're gone too far! Read what to do when you publish. Now go be mature.

This guy on Urban Dictionary is a child. God damn it.

See immature, preteen, crying, cunt, fuckwad


A term of endearment used by blacks who speak Ebonics or Blackanese.

Child, your hair be looking good like that.


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