
What is Children?


1. Humans under the age of 13 or so. Many of which were accidently conceived. Lots of children these days are annoying, spoiled, bitchy and stupid. Commonly known as stupid short people.

2. Spawn of Satanhatched from a dark egg in the center of the earth with devils that are cutting themselves standing in a circle around it.

Little Kid: Mommy, buy me David beckham!

Mother: Dear, I just bought you Anna Kournikova yesterday! Ill buy you him for you next week. How about I buy you Ronaldinhofirst?

Little Kid: *Starts crying* BUT I DONT WANT RONALDINHO!!! BUY ME DAVID!!!!! *Starts rolling on the floor*

Mother: ......

Little Kid: You won't like me when I'm angry. FLAME ON! *Incinerates Mother"


The worst of all STDs, any man and woman can cause this, whether or not one is already suffering. They never leave you until death.

Children: the worst STD.

See kids, aids, satan, crabs, syphillis, Ezlo


Michael Jackon's playthings.

MJ: come here children! *boner*

See faggot, gay, homo, freak, weirdo, pedophile, rapist, scary, transexual, fucked up


the walking and breathing ad for safe sex

i wish i could of just gotten aids or something but god hates me so i got children

See children, satan, crying, noisy, annoying, kid, diaper, pregnant, safe, sex


The main cause of pedophilia.

"You know what I say? fuck the children".

-George Carlin, about the importance of children.

See children, suck, cocks, for, money, and, free, i, hate, tags


Great target practice

Children lol

See b, lol, shoot, kids, steam


The best people on earth. Innocent and full of adventure. Free spirited and accepting.

My Children are my heart walking around outside my body.

See kids, kiddies, babies, teenagers


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