
What is Chilla?


Hot, Beutiful, Sexy, Lady. Any lady that you think is FLY!

That is one hot chilla!


someone who sits around smokin fat blunts and skateboards or is a bum.

I was chillin like all chillas should be chillin

See chillaz, smokin, budda, chill


(noun) Swedish variation of chill, means literally "to chill". See also chill.

Ey grabben! Chilla!

See John Doe


shortened for chinchilla coat

we rockin precious sable, keep that chilla on the rack

See chilla, chinchilla, ugk, chill


A derogatory Spanish slang term used to describe the mistress, or the side chick.

"I'm his wife you're nothing but his chilla."

See slut, jump off, mistress, slide



Rashele got a bloody nose from doing too much chilla.

See cocaine, powder, blow, whitegirl, nose candy


in Berber chilliw i.e spring chicken


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