
What is Chilliwack?


a very safe place to live and smoke weed

I love chilliwack

See Chilliwack


The epicenter of all kicks ass. A very safe and stoner-friendly town, the last murder here occured here around four years ago and cops have walked right passed me while I had a joint hanging out of my mouth, and they just didn't care. A relatively clean city, not like most cities, with all manner of junk and shit cluttering the streets, the soon-to-be-aired TV show Eureka was filmed here, as well as certain parts of the Wayans brothers film, White Chicks.

Chilliwack kicks so much ass, that after it runs out of ass to kick, it'll kick it's own ass, just so it has more ass to kick.

See can't, think, of, any, tags


the nexus of the universe.

green and red lights both mean "dont go" and yellow is the one that means "go". traffic sometimes moves backwards, trains constantly intersect major roadways, street numbers go down, then skip a bunch, then go back up again. drivers are afraid their cars will flip over if they take corners faster than 10km/h, i am constantly pulled over so that i can get warnings from the police instead of tickets.

generally a terrible city to live in.

person a: man, chilliwack F*&$ing sucks!

person b: yes it does!


A small but growing city which will likely be a suburb of Vancouver one day. Totally has some of the funniest people, whether you are laughing at them or with them. Has some incredibly talented people wether in bands, on stage, or on the sports feild. So now you ask are we Ghetto? Chilliwack has the fastest growing rate of teen-pregnancies in Canada and is the weed capital. I was in the apartment across the road from a shooting, and just like Vancouver every friday and/or saturday night there is a bar fight. The latest one I heard about invovled the so called UN gang (they call themselves the un gang because of there many different backgrounds stupid i know). All in all Chilliwack rocks because u can bend the rules and get away with it.

Chilliwack is also cool because not only do we have cheers about wacking chilli but I live here.

See chilli, wack, i, want, to, buy, weed


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