
What is Chillum?


The chillum is a narrow funnel originally shaped out of fired clay. Chillums were thought to have originated in India or South America. Chillums were orginally used in a spiritual manor by Hindu priests. Today they are used by stoners everywhere. Inside the chillum is filter stone to prevent the weed (or whatever it is that your smoking) from falling into your mouth. Today, some chillums come with an attachment at the top that can hold a lighter. This attachment makes it possible to just hold the chillum from the lighter, light and go! Smaller chillums bring hot smoke directly into your lungs. The larger the chillum, the colder the smoke and the more you get in your lungs.

"I'm so fucked up right now that I'm going to use the chillum so i dont have to think to hard to get even more fucked up!"


originally a cone-like stone pipe from India with a "soap stone" in the centre of the hole to stop the weed falling ca also be made from any ceramic and is often used with a damp cloth at the mouth piece has never and will never be aything to do with tinfoil, you numptyskag head tube.

" i got some tasty skunk "

" cool ,we'll put it in the chillum"

See pax


Ghetto slang for the word children.

Shit ho! Where mah chillum?

See children, kids, spawn, hellspawn, chillins


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