Chime Stopper

What is Chime Stopper?


Someone who will not accept any form of chiming (interupting one's conversation). These extraverted people tend to publicly shame and embarrass the chimer or chimees (as they are collectively known) as they have no fear of interupting other peoples conversations due to their elite status.

Boy 1 : "What's your favourite movie?"

Girl 1 : "Um... -"

*Before Girl 1 can answer Boy 2 runs up and yells "Wayne's World!"

Boy 1 then goes on to say to Boy 2 and everyone in close proximity : "F*** you, you little ass-cock, I saw your tiny pin in the change rooms... only after I pulled out my telescope! if you ever cut me off like that again, i'll publish your, little, secret in the school paper, piss off!"

*Boy 2 scampers of in tears

Girl 1 : "Wow, your a great chime stopper!"

See chime, chimer, annoying, asshole, idiot, crime


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