
What is Chimichanga?


wonderfully delightful little frozen burritos

will you put that chimichanga in the mic for me so i can enjoy its savory splendidness in a little less than a minute? thanks

See sk


A mexican delicasy, Only found everywhere in the unitedstates and in grocery stores

A gift from heaven.

Dude 1:Yo mayne we needa get us a chimichanga ese

Dude 2: Ell yeah man thats like a gift from 'eaven

See chimi


While more commonly known as a declicious burrito-like Mexican food, a "chimichanga" has been used as far back as 2002 in the New York City region as slang for a unit of time equivalent to approximately 8 minutes.

The specific unit of time a "chimichanga" designates is the subject of debate, as its origin lies in the fact that it takes 1 stoned undergraduate about 8 minutes to consume 1 chimichanga. Most agree that the measurement is exactly 8 minutes 21 seconds, hence "approximately 8 minutes," but only two witnesses were present for the eating of the original chimichanga and both were killed three months later in a freak rhino mauling at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

Dude, did you SEE Gettysburg? That shit lasted like 30 chimichangas, man!

See time, eight, 8, mexican, chimechanga, chimmychanga


the act of wrapping your arms completely around another person

I've got you wrapped up like a chimichanga.

See chimi, changa, burrito, hug, wrap


When you have been at Big Beach all day and then your boloto head is not grape.

Max had Chimichanga today so he couldn't have sex with his ho.

See chimichanga, sex, grape, big, beach


delicious mexican food entre which consists of a mixture of cheese, tortilla, and chicken. (otherwise known as the quesadilla, fajita, and enchilada--but not to be confused with the burrito which quite originally has beans, cheese, a tortilla, and chicken.)

(to waiter at mexican food restauraunt) umm i think i'll have the uhhh..uhm...quesadilla? no wait uhh! the fajitas! gah no i want an enchilada--ok ya i'll take ah you idiot! im so sorry i am such a complete fool but i know what i want--i want the chimichanga--no no lets see...ok no i am definetely in the mood for some quesadillas yep i'll have the quesadillas.

(in waiters mind) poor sucker...they're all the same...

See fajita, quesadilla, enchilada, mexican food, chicken pot pie


A hot, spicy attractive latina.

Damn, that chimichanga's got it goin on!!!

See chimichanga, chimichangas, chimmy, chimmychanga, changa


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