Chimo Horn

What is Chimo Horn?


Much like a dog whistle, however a chimo horn is used to locate child molesters. The mechanism resembles an air horn which emits a blaring rendition of The Entertainer that is only audible to child molesters.

This will of course be invented in the year 2037, during the United States' War On Chimos.

Person 1: Oh Christ, the ice cream truck's here!

Person 2: What the fuck are you talking about? I don't hear shit.

Federal Agent: Busted, chimo!

(Federal Agent and Person 2 throw their arms over the other's shoulder, and give a hearty thumbs up.)

Federal Agent & Person 2: Thanks, Chimo Horn!

See chimo, horn, ice cream, entertainer, child, molestation


Much like a dog whistle, however a chimo horn is used to locate child molesters. The mechanism resembles an air horn which emits a blaring rendtion of The Entertainer that is only audible to child molesters.

This will of course be invented in the year 2037, during the United States' War On Chimos.

Person 1: Oh Christ, the ice cream truck's here!

Person 2: What the fuck are you talking about? I don't hear shit.

Federal Agent: Busted, chimo!

(Federal Agent and Person 2 throw their arms over the other's shoulder, and give a hearty thumbs up.)

Federal Agent & Person 2: Thanks, Chimo Horn!

See chimo, horn, ice cream, entertainer, child, molestation


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