
What is Chimp?


see Dubya

The chimp tried to answer journalists questions today... what a laugh


To review an image on the LCD screen of a digital camera after taking a photograph. In common usage among press photographers. The act was dubbed chimping after photographers were caught making monkey-like noises when they reviewed a good shot in their cameras.

1. The photographer chimped his double-play shots from the first base photo position.

2. The photographer was caught chimping on the sideline after a play and missed the interception shot.

See chimp, chimping, review, look at


Infantile or mischeivous individual. A person with a childlike sense of humour.

Stop being such a chimp


Can be used as either a noun or a verb. As a noun, chimp describes someone who departs from a public house or club early to return to one's domicile. This could be for a variety of reasons: too ripped upto continue drinking, being ejected by bouncers (a corollary of being ripped) or being under the thumb. The verbal form is used to describe this act of baling out early: thus 'to chimp out'.

The Dwix chimped out again last night. He is such a chimp.


(verb): to masturbate furiously or to ejaculate, while making loud monkey noises.

(noun): semen; ejaculate; spunk.

(1): Dude, I can't believe you chimped all over my couch!

(2): Wipe that chimp up before I beat your ass!


Describing a repulsive smelly creature, born of the human species, but acting as though he were a primate. Nappy dark hair, gross teeth, small red haired mating parter. Often attempts to read books, posters, and magazines, always failing. Communicates by making a series of noises like, "ooo ahhh ehhh ahhh ooo". Smells like an asshole.

hey chimp!!!! ooo oo ahh ahh!!!! go eat a banana you retard.

See chimpy, chimp, smelly, gross


1. (noun): an anthropoid ape (Pan troglodytes) of equatorial Africa that is smaller and more arboreal than the gorilla

2. (noun): Pete Sampras (usually used with "the" and capitalized)

1. The chimp is smarter than The President.

2. The Chimp was one of the greatest tennis players of all time.

See orion


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