Chimpanzee Lips

What is Chimpanzee Lips?


n. A set of fat, thick female vagina lips that closely resemble the closed mouth of a monkey, an ape, or specifically a chimpanzee.

Wow that girl had some fat ass beef curtains... actually they're thicker, more like chimpanzee lips!

See beef curtains, vagina, chimpanzee, lips, flaps


n. When a woman's vaginal flaps are swollen to the point that they resemble the mouth of a monkey, ape, or specifically a chimpanzee.

Dude 1: Hey man, I heard you got Jessica last night!

Dude 2: Yeah bro, it was pretty nice but she was definately sporting some chimpanzee lips!

Dude 1: Ugh, no way... look at the bright side, atleast she didn't have beef curtains.

See lips, vagina, flaps, chimpanzee, curtains


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