
What is Chimpin?


The equilibrium between Chillin and Pimpin. Or Being in a relaxed and cool stage. Such as the clothing line Chimpin

Wow, we are chimpin.

See chill, chillin, chilling, pimpin, pimp


The art form of shitting into your own hand and throwing at a loved one for your mutual sexual pleasure.

Things got really messy last night me and the missis was chimpin.

See chimpin, chimping


The happy feeling one has before and after hitting the "tripping" phase while smoking tobacco. Characterized by a very relaxed sensation, without the light-headedness of a tobacco high. Most commonly achieved while using cigars and pipes; cigarettes generally lead straight to "tripping".

"Dude, you trippin yet?"

"Nah, I'm just Chimpin. These smokes suck."


"Woah man. . ."


"Im still chimpin from that cigar."

See tripping, high, tobacco, fun, chilling


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