
What is Chimpject?


1. being so high on life that those around you may actually think that you have been intraveniously injecting drugs into your system.

2. the tipsy feeling a sober individual gets in the presence of friends that may or may not actually be sober themselves.

3. feeling so shitty or fucked up that you think you must have let a chimp inject something in you earlier in the day.

Jay: Have you been drinking, are you high?

Kristin: No, Sarah just gets me chimpjected.

Those girls over there are either chimpjecting or on some seriously good drugs.

Tonight is going to be seriously crazy. I always chimpject when its girls night out.

See high on life, intoxicated, drunk, chimp, tipsy


1. being so high on life that those around you may actually think that you have been intraveniously injecting drugs into your system.

2. the tipsyfeeling a sober individual gets in the presence of friends that may or may not actually be sober themselves.

3. feeling so shittyor fucked up that you think you must have let a chimp inject something in you earlier in the day.

Jay: Have you been drinking, are you high?

Kristin: No, Sarah just gets me chimpjected.

Those girls over there are either chimpjecting or on some seriously good drugs.

See high on life, shitty, high, tipsy


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