
What is Chimpo?


A conversationally appropriate slang for man's penis in Japanese language. Variants: chimpoko, chimbo, chinko, chinchin, and so on.

You're lucky you got rid of that loose skin covering your chimpo; it makes your chimpo too sensitive.

See dick, cock, male, genitals, manko, pussy


Short males, with ever-changing hair colors. Frequently use high pitched voices when excited. Often seen driving turbo-charged Chrysler products.

These specimens are frequently named "john" or "johnny"

Dude, did you see that chimpo running around the backyard in just his boxers and cop glasses?

See glasses, dork, putz, chrysler


johny chimpo was a cartoon character from the movie Super Troopers.

Who is this John Chimpo character???


Conversationally appropriate reference to a man's penis.

Neighbor one: "You seems to be walking with a slight limp?"

Neighbor two: "I turned around and smacked my, pardon me, 'chimpo', on the mailbox."


conversationally appropriate reference to a man's penis.

neighbor one: "You seem to be walking with a slight limp?"

neighbor two: "Yea, I hit my, pardon me, 'chimpo', on the mailbox."


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