Chin Bounced

What is Chin Bounced?


chin bounced or ussally pronounced "chin boonced"

if someone was contradicting theirselves then you would say youve just been chin bounced

its really hard to explain =o

other definitions:

clamped up or bamed up

if you happen to have an arguement...

*bob walks in at 6 in the morning*

sue: where have you been?

bob: oh erm.. i fell asleep in johns house.

sue: dont give me your lies!

bob: honestly i love you baby. i wouldnt lie to you

sue: then tell me where you were! You were at that slags again wearnt you!?

bob: no i was at andys i swear

sue: whos?

bob: andys, i fell asleep on the sofa

sue: but you said you were at johns

bob: yeh he was there to

sue: OH shut up and pick your chin up!

because youve just been chin bounced!!


yeh but now you know xD

See chin, bounced, clamped, stumped


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