
What is Chinadia?


a little known country located on the former "democratic republic of iceland". it was originally inhabited by the habichuchu tribes men and then conquered by millitant sociallist quakers. In, 1986 a revolutionist by the name of Nick Char came to the island after hearing of the mass genocide. He sought out the millitant quakers with support from The U.S.S.R. and Somalia and brought them down 3 years later. Every president after him was assasinated by his diper-wearing possesed hermaphrodite henchmen. he is now severing his 90th term and sends all political dissidents to foreign concentration camps in the Fjords of Sweden. all men after the age of 9 months are enlisted in the "Forces révolutionnaires de la république grande de Chinadia." the current vice president Buhbba ja Bummner Holzman is a brutal man who originates from the Long Lost ancient state known as Delaware that has since been turned into a Nuclear Weapons testing ground for the U.S. government. the chinadian millitary general is Will Boyd who derives from tyoga county PA. (see USA) he a cruel quadrapeligic who controls the millitary from a graphing interface know as "A.S.S." assualt simulatetion system. the native language consists of a hyrbid of French and Flemmish the laguage spoken by the native tribes men is pig latin. the capital is currently found in the outdoor education shed located in Westtown PA (see will boyd) this technologically advanced facillity run all millitary and governmental opperations. To this day, Chinadia's GPS coordinates are unknown to majority of human life on Earth.

Viva La Chinadia!

"Maybe this president guy Nick Char isnt the greateast guy they make him out to be..."

"Blasphemy!!! The Chinadian president is a God and should be reveared and cherished as such!!!"

*guns fire*


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