Chinese Government

What is Chinese Government?


A piece of shit censoring, filtering, hungry, piece of shit government.

China = need a violent revolution. CHina = the most conformist math-worshipping country in the world. Math = conformity = less threat to the conformist government that art.

This is why math is encouraged. I gurantee if Chinese schools had Philosiphy class, China would have its ass kicked. But no, we have a conformity class disguised as math.

Chinese government official = need his ass kicked. I would would feel no remorse messing up and killin one of these guys.

Chinese person = stop being a fucking ignorant conformist idiot. You need to stop accepting and start rebelling you conformist idiot piee of shit.

And this is from a Chinese person.

Chinese Government = piece of shit.

See chinese, government, piece, shit, vegetable


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