What is Chingrish?
A language, used primarily by people who are learning English, who currently speak Chinese. This language can also be mastered by a non-chinese person to communicate in part with the Chinese. Basically, Chingrish is very poor English with a heavy Chinese accent.
"Ah, rello, mai Vee-See-Arrrrrrr is the frashing da twelve o'crock, it only frashes da twelllve o'crock. I puses buttun flont, but no rappen. Den, i un-prug from prug, prug brack in prug, still! no happen!
Those who speak real chinese look down at people who use this form of chinese by making fun of them whenever they can because they are insecure faggots.
"ngor kum yut chut hui sek fan hai TGI Friday." (Today, I'm going out to eat at TGI Fridays)
"Lay Hoi Yee Sign Application Kan Juu Bay ngor Return hui Human Resources." (You can sign the application and give it to me so I can return it to Human Resources)
"Bong ngor mai Metal Gear Solid ah, mommy!!!"
(Buy me Metal Gear Solid, Mommy!)