What is Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin?


Home to Leinenkugels beer, Chippewa Springs water, and Titanics infamous Lake Wissota. Population aprx. 12,000 people, Chippewa is the greatest hangout in the world. It is home to the B.F. Willi outdoor pool, the Chippewa skatepark, Irvine park - with the spectacular new bear cage. McDonell Central high school is also the main focus of Chippewa Falls. Donell Central is where young bright minds, full of Jesus's love go to fill their heads with knowledge and love from JC. You should swing on by Chippewa Falls. It truely is heaven on earth! Watch out though, you may get boobernacked!

Stranger: "Where are you from?"

Me: "Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin."

Stranger: "Oh my God, you live in a shithole, I f-hate Chippewa! You must be super lame!"

See chippewa, shithole


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