What is Chlamydial Syphllaids?


someone who is so bubonic with all manner of sexually and otherwise transmitted disease that they have the look of a crack whore that has been up for a week straight chocking down all manner of disgusting filth in a vain attempt to stave the insatiable desire to run themselves off a cliff because they are so diabolical. these people could be described as having syphllaids.

Must have at least a small dose of vallium on person, postulous spots on face and vagina/penis.

Gregor: check her out! she has the worst case of syphllaids i've ever seen.

Steve: she looks like she has been sucking on the exhaust pipe of a HGV lorry.

Greame: Aye, that sure is one nasty case of chlamydial syphllaids!

See crack, junkie, skank, aids, syphilis, chlamydia


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