
What is Chobe?


A cock wider than it is long

Barry has a chobe

See bates


meaning Short stumpy dick

see ur mums!


South Oz word meand short fand pecker


Synonym of 'taint'. The area between the testicles and anus. aka the perineum.

She can't get enough of my chobe.

See taint, perineum, undernuts


i) Used to emphasize how truely chobo one is.

ii) Used to describe someone or something when it has become the definition of chobo.

"Man.. you are a Chobe."

"Nick aka So&So is such a Chobe!!"

"Could clan Fear be any more chobo?!" "Yes they can, they are Chobe."

See Chaos


Another word for a fat person.

"Hey Mike, check out the chobe!"

See fat, fat person, fat people, chubby, fatso


A chobe is a person who is very sure of themselves. They are usally not very easy to the eye, and often might have a slight odor. They do not sware much, and keep to themselves. They often wear tacky clothes, including the ever-so unattractive sandles and socks. They have nasty hair cuts, and are preverted

The guy I saw at Walgreens was such a chobe.


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