
What is Chobes?


when a bitch go down on a dude wit a chode. bitches is usually nasty when they do this shit.

mofucka 1: ey man i saw dis honkeybitch give a chobes to dis niggerass nigga.

mofucka 2: word.

See chode, blowjob, scat, rimjob, oral


1. term for anchovies, usually referring to pizza

2. can refer to a person as an insult

-Example One:

waiter: "Whadya want!?"

disgruntled customer: "I think I'll have a large pizza."

waiter: "One... large... cheese."

disgruntled customer: "Might I get some chobes on that as well?"

waiter: "Huh?"

-Example Two:

Jeffry: "Hey Guys! I just caught Raichu!"

schoolyard bully: *punches Jeffry in the face then spits on him* "Chobes!" *schoolyard bully dipsets*

See chobes, anchovies, insult, dipset, loser, pokemon, nark


A Chobes is the ultimate friendly and stroke-able labrador. If you have one, you know immediately what a Chobes is, they all are Chobes-es out there.... And this goes especially for the ever remaining lively of labradors (black and brown). And if you were to shout "Chobes" out loud when you see one, you can be pretty sure a Chobes will respond, they are just always up for fun. The name just covers it all, try it out in your mouth and think of the dog. As it happens I have one at home and she is still up for anything, at nearly 9.

"Look what a lovely chobes overthere..." (the cuddly one outstretched in the sunshine or at home on your sofa when you are not looking)

"Did you see that, I just saw a chobes chasing a chicken" (the cheeky one, out of 10 yard reach of its owner, it will always try and go for the hunt!"

"Who ate all the pie.... @rgh Chobes..." (the cheeky one reaching for the food on the kitchen top while you were in the dining room)

See choby, chablis, warm, cuddly


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