
What is Chockerblocker?


Chockerblocker (chŏk'ə-blŏk'ə)

A person, usually some kind of rocker or goth, who prevents a chocker from pulling either by stealing the target for themselves, or simply by interfering to prevent the non-chocker from doing something they may regret.

Chocker (chŏk'ə) A chav with aspirations to be a rocker. They generally dress chav but frequent rock clubs looking half chav and half rock or goth.

"Kevin the chocker was chatting up the attractive goth chick in the latex dress when he was chockerblocked by a chockerblocker he described as 'a motherfuckin' Marilyn Mansun fuckin' lookalike goff muverfucka'"

See chocker, rocker, chav, goth, scally, metal, mosher


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