
What is Choco?


An Australian military slang term for a reservist soldier

slightly derogatory

Military man: hey here comes a bunch of Chocos

civilian: whats a Choco?

Military man: a Chocolate soldier, he will melt in the heat of battle

See soldier, choco, military


A taned wog. usually living in australia. they always play soccer.

ok chocos vs skips in soccer

See wogs, skips, wog, european


1. chocolate colored.

Look at that choco cat


short for chocolate

or abreviation

Girl: gimme some choco

Guy:*0.o* Choco?

girl: Chocolate!

See chocolate, candy, coco, snack, fatty


A person from a ethnic decent, mainly short but very tough. very similair to a lebo

Wow that guys got the choco toughness!!


Woman born in the mid-eighties, known for her laugh out loud comedy and silly antics. Leads an uneventful life full of her own hilarity. See The Hilarious

Choco, you are so fucking hilarious!

See hilarious, hilarity, funny, comedy, The Hilarious


n.- hash; term used by the Iranian drug dealers on the streets of Tokyo.

Derived from the Japanese foreign word dialect "choh-koh", meaning chocolate.

"You, I give you good choco, very good choco.."


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