
What is Chocodiles?


They are the rare-to-find yet quite tasty Chocolate covered twinkies that are made by Hostess.


Exclamation most commonly used while under the influence to describe the amazing taste of food or drink.

After consuming illegal substances, Paul declared that his chicken sandwich was "Chocodiles."

Origin: American Dad

Roger: "Haley, these Chocodiles, Oh my God. These Chocodiles, Oh my God. Oh my God, Haley, these Chocodiles."

See chocodiles, chocolicious, big c


1. Chocolate crocodiles as in a chocolate candy molded in the shape of a crocodile. This reference is used in lyrics for the song "Disseminated" by Soul Coughing.

"Thud on top, I ate the chocodile. "

See cindy


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