Chocolate Finger

What is Chocolate Finger?


The action of inserting one or more fingers into a persons rectum, and then bringing it out for them to lick clean.

Jenny chocolate fingered Johnny by inserting a finger into his anus and then letting him suck it clean.

See chocolate finger, anus, rectum, sex, anal, ass


A chocolate finger is where you are making out with a girl and you slip her the finger but instead of inserting it it accidentally ends up in the ass.

This commonly occurs in a drunk or disorientated state.

When this happens, the nickname chocolate fingers usually sticks with them for a long time

1)"Haha Dave got smashed on friday and chocolate fingered some girl behind the pub!"

2)"here i go"

"umm wrong hole..."

"Wahay Choco-fingers!"

See shit, finger, chocolate, drunk, poo


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