Chocolate Haze

What is Chocolate Haze?


an extremely potent form of weed

damn that chocolate haze was strong last nite

See chronic, weed, pot, ganja, reefer, mary jane


A type of weed that doesn't exist. Dealers usually try to sell their shitty schwagby giving it this wonderful name. Chocolate Thai exists but Chocolate Haze doesn't.

Matt: Hey man, you got some chronic?

Dealer: No man, but I got this stuff called Chocolate Haze!

Matt: You mean like Chocolate Thai?

Dealer: No man! This is so fucking potent! I smoked some and I was high for like 6 hours!!

Matt: Holy shit! How much for an ounce?

Dealer: I usually charge $650 for an ounce, but I'll sell to you for $400!!

Matt buys an ounce and tells his friends. They laugh and tell him he got ripped. He is later sent to jail for being a FUCKING IDIOT and gets assraped every night.

See schwag, weed, santa claus, easter bunny, dumbass, marijuana


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