Chocolate Swirl

What is Chocolate Swirl?


The process of sticking your cock, finger, toe, tongue, nose, and/or fist, in a woman's (or man's if your into that kind of thing) anal cavity and heaving your whole body in a circular motion.

Steve gave Catherine/Carl a Chocolate Swirl that was so intense it tore a hole the size of a grapefruit that continuously bled and became quite infested with bacteria, fungi, crabs, yeast, and pubic hair; and discharge. Eventually leading to her/his sexual demise and rue.

See demise, grapefruit, hole


When a Male Or Female takes a huge dump on his or her partners chest in a spiral like motion

Shaun- I Had to go to the bathroom so bad so i got my gal and gave her a Chocolate Swirl


See dump, caca, crap, shit


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