Chris Brown Yo Ass

What is Chris Brown Yo Ass?


A harmful, and usually unlawful, attack upon another person by beating, wounding, or otherwise offensive touching. This phrase is in reference to the alleged battery of Rihanna by Chris Brown.

"Bitch, don't make me Chris Brown yo ass!"

See battery, attack, hit, lash, punch, shake, slap, strike, swing, thump, beat, wound, domestic violence, advance, aggression, barrage, blitz, blitzkrieg, charge, drive, encroachment, fight, foray, initiative, intervention, invasion, mugging, offensive, onslaught, outbreak, push, raid, rape, rush, skirmish, storming, thrust, violation, volley, action, altercation, argument, battle, bout, brawl, broil, brush, clash, combat, conflict, controversy, difficulty, dispute, dogfight, duel, engagement, exchange, feud, fisticuffs, fracas, fray, fuss, joust, match, melee, quarrel, riot, rivalry, round, row, ruckus, rumble, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, strife, struggle, tiff, tussle, war


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