Chris Cuthbert

What is Chris Cuthbert?


Play-by-play sports commentator for CBC from 1984-2005. Often called the action for NHLand CFL games. NO RELATION to Elisha Cuthbert by any stretch of the imagination. Often known for his extremely lame dorky comments on the air (which may explain why CBC fired him...either that or because of the 2004/2005 NHL lock out).

Cuthbert now works for TSN where he still entertains fans with his lame annoying comments during NHLand CFL games. He's a bit biased for a play-by-play guy (especially when the Toronto Maple Leafsare playing) but he is still a respectable broadcaster with years of experience.

Chris Cuthbert now works for TSN.

See cbc, tsn, cuthbert


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