
What is Christian?


A person who believes that Christ is their Savior. A person who believes that Jesus of Israel was/is the Son of God and was everything He claimed to be.

Kristen was a Christian and carried her Bible everywhere she went.


a christian is someone who believes that jesus christ is the son of god and that he died for EVERYBODY'S sins. a REAL christian realizes that he/she is not perfect but tries to be more like jesus. a REAL christian wouldn't try to force their beliefs on others, so whoever thinks that obviously hasn't met a true christian. also, don't think that all christians are like george bush, cause i'm a christian and i'm not exactly a big fan of say the least.

Non-Christian: So, I guess you like George Bush

Christian: Not even a little.

See christian, jesus, god, christ, salvation, Jimena


A christian is someone who has a personal relationship with God and isnt afraid to show it. It doesnt mean carrying around a bible or wearing a christian t-shirt but more of exposing the ultamite truth which is held in God's personal love letter to each individual (the bible)

A true christian doesnt say they are a christan...but they live like they are one.

See christian, holy roller, jesus freak


(I understand that everyone doesnt hate us. This is to those that do.)

We believe that Jesus died on the cross to save us from OUR sins. He didnt have to but he did anyway. (And it is in history, in case you were all wonderin)It is true that some people do things in the "name of God" that are horrible and say that God made them do it, that is not true, and that is what gives christians a bad name. Those people are not christians, they just want someone to use as a excuse for doing something bad.

You hate us because you say that we think that we are better than you, which is completely 100% untrue. The Bible says that we are to consider everyone above us, and be humble (see below). If you have never met a christian like that then you have never met a true follower of Christ.

Another reason you hate us is that you say we condemn everone who doesnt believe in God, true christians do not do that. There is something that the world needs to understand, there are people who call themselves christains, and then totally dont act like it. And then there are christians who follow God, and his word. The latter do not condemn people becuase who are we to condemn when we are just the same as you?

People who have posted definitions say that we are boring. But fun isnt..., drinkng,smoking,having sex,partying,playing gory games and watching gory movies all the time. Isnt is true that after you do that for a while you start to feel empty, bored and like you are wondering around without cause? Those things begin to control you, (you who say nothing controls you). And that sounds boring to me. I have a cause, I have a life, and I do not appreciate being cursed for my beliefs. I love God and I am not ashamed to say it nor will I ever be.

If you would like any more info, ask a friend if you can visit thier church, just to see if I am telling the truth. Or watch the Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, everything in that movie is true, that really did happen to Jesus. But in real life, it was worse for him.

Another thing, if your friends harass you for wanting to go, just think about what kind of friends they are. What kind of friend would want to control you? You say you are going to do what YOU want to do, and no one can tell you otherwise. We are the same, people tell us otherwise all the time. They harass us, degrade us, hate us, even kill us. But we will never back down, we are part of the army of the unashamed. And no matter what you have done, where you have been, what you have said, you can be part of it too. We will accept you. We do not hate you. We do not condemn you and we do not think we are better than you are. We do not save ourselves by anything we do, God saved us. And he can save you too.

Find a good church (which takes some visiting), find a youth group, and get plugged in. You will be amazed about how much you didnt know about us.

True christians follow this...

Philippians 2:3 (New Living Translation)

New Living Translation (NLT)

3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

See love, sacrifice, humble, trust, forever


Was originally used as a derogatory term for those who followed the teachings of Jesus. It means "Little Christ". It was insulting for a while, until they found out that's what they were.

They were maimed and martyred for their faith in God. And they say Christians never suffered...

A pretty cool religion, if you ask me.

I am a Christian. I believe in God, and that Jesus died on the cross to atone for MY sins, and I try to follow Jesus' example. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who persecute you.

See christianity, martyr, god, jesus


A person who knows that he or she isn't perfect, but has came to the realization that he or she doesn't have to feel the guilt of sin anymore because Jesus took care of it. A Christian is a person who follows by Jesus' law: "Love on another," which is the only commandment he has asked us to do. A Christian is a person who follows in Jesus' footsteps:

Hangs out with anyone: the drunks, the theifs, the prostitutes.

Prays for everyone: forgives.

Does not take revenge, but does pray for his or her enemies.

Just because a Christian may gossip doesn't mean that he or she isn't a Christian or a hypocrite. It means that we're still human; that we're still learning to be like Him.

A Pharisee is like a judgemental leader. You should look into that. Make sure you don't think that all Christians are like the Pharisees. The Pharisees were the religious leaders who killed Jesus.

Jesus was a perfect being. He was the son of God; he IS the song of God. He is God! He will always be there. Just as he was thousands of years ago, he still is today.

person1: I'm a Christian?

person2: Not a damn Chrisitan...

person1: but...


person2: don't go preachin' to me damn foo.

Person1: but you don't understand...

See christianity, boy, girl, life, jesus


1) someone who believes in Christ Jesus and has asked Him to come into their heart.

2) someone who isn't perfect but knows that he/she is forgiven by a God who is.

"That guy over there is a recovering drug-addict and used to abuse his spouse, but he's trying hard to change... so according to this definition, he's still a Christian. Just maybe not a great one."

See christianity, believer, christian, conservative


please read and bear with it the whole way

First of all, not all Christians are a bunch of "dickheads" who believe their better than everyone else and discriminate others for not following "unfair rules" in some old book. This is what a Christian should truly be and display in everyday life, because it says so in the Bible itself.

A Real Christ Following Christian, and I'm not talking about the people who say they believe in God just so they think they'll go to heaven, is one that shows Christ's love everyday of their life, not discriminating everyone else around them for what they believe or think of themselves as better people. True Christians are the ones that TRULY know God's Word (the Bible) and follow it everyday, and God blesses them, not because they're simply Christians, but because they do what they're supposed to according to the Bible. A person who prays to God and spends time with him and reads his Word to learn more about him. Not people who go and tell others what is wrong with them, but reach out to the world and help them by bringing God into their life, and therefore have true happiness. Not the "happiness" that you get from being buzzed, or high, or losing your viriginity, which ALL AND ALWAYS result in future consequence and hinder you from true happiness (In God), although they will feel good at first, which is the immediate consequence. And Also people who don't just believe that good deeds will get them to heaven, but through Jesus Christ's salvation and living in his example to their best ability, although not perfectly, ever. And also believe that he is the ONLYY way to heaven, and there is no other way.

True Christians are also easy to pick out because they publicly claim to be them no matter what, and are truly happy because God fills their life with joy and show it to the rest of world.

If you read all of this, i commend you, and it comes from a Christian standpoint.

A Christian (True Christian); a person who follows God's Word, has seeked salvation in Christ alone, and displays God's love to others every chance they get.

See christ, bible, christian


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