Christian Indie

What is Christian Indie?


Christian Indie is all the radness of a regular indie lifestyle, combined with hardcore christian beliefs. This would apply to kids who used to listen to Bright Eyes,but got saved and now they go to youth and do human videos to Mewithoutyou songs.

Most of them still hold tight to there indie awsomeness and continue listening to local indie bands from there home town.



Starflyer 59



Joy Electric

Relient K



Regular Indie kid: Hey William, let's go listen to my new Modest Mouse cd.

christian Indie Kid: No thanks, I love Jesus so I'm gonna go make a mixtape of my favourite Mewithoutyou songs and read my bible.

R.I.K: Posuer. *gosh william is hardcore, I'm wanna go to church*

Regular Indie Kid: Hey Veronica, wanna come to my garage and work on our 'zine while we listen to The Postal Service?

Christian Indie Girl: Rain check on that friend, I have to go do devotionals, update my myspace and design a Never Perfect Intentions shirt.

R.I.K: No **** , You still listen to NPI? *She's so effing Indie*

See christian indie, indie, christian, indie kid


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