What is Christian True Christian?


please read and bear with it the whole way

First of all, not all Christians are a bunch of "dickheads" who believe their better than everyone else and discriminate others for not following "unfair rules" in some old book. This is what a Christian should truly be and display in everyday life, because it says so in the Bible itself.

A Real Christ Following Christian, and I'm not talking about the people who say they believe in God just so they think they'll go to heaven, is one that shows Christ's love everyday of their life, not discriminating everyone else around them for what they believe or think of themselves as better people. True Christians are the ones that TRULY know God's Word (the Bible) and follow it everyday, and God blesses them, not because they're simply Christians, but because they do what they're supposed to according to the Bible. A person who prays to God and spends time with him and reads his Word to learn more about him. Not people who go and tell others what is wrong with them, but reach out to the world and help them by bringing God into their life, and therefore have true happiness. Not the "happiness" that you get from being buzzed, or high, or losing your viriginity, which ALL AND ALWAYS result in future consequence and hinder you from true happiness (In God), although they will feel good at first, which is the immediate consequence. And Also people who don't just believe that good deeds will get them to heaven, but through Jesus Christ's salvation and living in his example to their best ability, although not perfectly, ever. And also believe that he is the ONLYY way to heaven, and there is no other way.

True Christians are also easy to pick out because they publicly claim to be them no matter what, and are truly happy because God fills their life with joy and show it to the rest of world.

If you read all of this, i commend you, and it comes from a Christian standpoint.

A Christian (True Christian); a person who follows God's Word, has seeked salvation in Christ alone, and displays God's love to others every chance they get.

See christ, bible, christian


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