
What is Christianese?


A communicable language within the Christian subculture with words and phrases created, redefined, and / or patened that applies only to the Christian sphere of influence.

So, I took this girl out and she started asking me if I was saved and she was all into Jesus and the bitch was speaking Christianese

Christianese: "The Lord works in mysterious ways."

Translation: "I'm totally clueless."


Christianese is the language spoken by Christians. It makes no sense to anyone unfamiliar with biblical texts, but earns you major points in the eyes of other Christians, because it means your words are hella holy.

Common examples include: old man/new man, unblemished lamb, fruit of the spirit, washed in the blood, and let's not forget the ever popular born again.

Christian: Brother, I felt like I was really backsliding, so I crucified my old man and put on my new man, and now the fruit of the spirit is evident in my life!

Non-Christian: What the hell did you just say? You speakin' Christianese?

See christians, jargon


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