
What is Christislamism?


A relion that combines the major elements of Christianity, Islam, and all religions ending in "ism" such as Judiasm, Buddihism, Hinduism, etc. The three basic principals are: 1. There is a God, (or Gods), 2. God(s) are forgiving, 3. Treat everyone else as you wish to be treated. Believers may believe anything else they wish, as long as they understand that what they belive may not be what someone else believes. These differences in beliefs are to be respected, since no one can really know what the true religion is.

Guy1: Can you believe how crazy that religion is?

Guy2: I believe in Christislamism, and I may not agree with them, but I'll respect their beiefs anyway, since who knows, maybe they do have it right.

See religion, christianity, islam


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