Christmas Man

What is Christmas Man?


German interpretation of the word "Santa". Mostly used by people from Weener, Eastfrisia. Can also be used in combination with "hat" to describe a traditional red colored covering for the head worn for Christmas. lol.

Guy A (translated from German): "I'm wearing a Santa hat."

Guy B, from Eastfrisia: "He's wearing a Christmas Man Hat!"

Superman: "What's up, Christmas Man?"

Christmas Man: "WTF, someone stole my hat."

See christmas, santa, german, germany


German interpretation of the word "Santa". Mostly used by people from Weener, Eastfrisia. Can also be used in combination with "hat" to describe a traditional red colored covering for the head worn for Christmas. lol.

Guy A (translated from German): "I'm wearing a Santa hat."

Guy B, from Eastfrisia: "He's wearing a Christmas Man Hat!"

Superman: "What's up, Christmas Man?"

Christmas Man: "WTF, someone stole my hat."

See christmas, santa, german, germany


German interpretation of the word "Santa". Mostly used by people from Weener, Eastfrisia. Can also be used in combination with "hat" to describe a traditional red colored covering for the head worn for Christmas. lol.

Guy A (translated from German): "I'm wearing a Santa hat."

Guy B, from Eastfrisia: "He's wearing a Christmas Man Hat!"

Superman: "What's up, Christmas Man?"

Christmas Man: "Someone stole my hat. Fuckwaffle."

See christmas, santa, german, germany


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