What is Christopher Jerry Parker?


chris lovingangelamazing

this guy is an angel sent to me. he is the sweetest, most loving, amazing guy i know. he is the light of my life. if the sun didnt exist the world would revolve around him for his heart is filled with such a brilliant light that it could clear the darkness away for an eternity. his soul is that of a sweet song in the breeze that gets stuck in your head and no matter what your doing or where you are hes there inside of you always on your mind. he is amazing although he would never admit to it. he is more than anyone could ever wish for. he makes you feel safe when you find it impossible and gives you peace in moments of utter torment. if set with a problem he can figure any thing out and will overcome an obstacle presented to him. he is determined, he is caring, he is sweet (in whatever sense you wish to take that), he is loving that which you can see in his eyes and feel in his heart, he is gentle as is felt in his touch and in his kiss, his emotions run deep asyou can tell in his expression and his voice and how he shakes at certain points, he is everything to me and i wish that he should know this and for the world to know this.

Christopher Jerry Parker is the light of my life and is the one person i look forward to hearing from everyday.

See amazing, loving, caring, wonderful, angel, sweet


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