Christopher Reeved

What is Christopher Reeved?


When a man is having sex with a woman(or man) from behind and everything is going great until he back suplexes him/her and they become paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of thier life.

Oh man, I accidentally Christopher Reeved my girlfriend last night. Now she sucks. :(

See christopher, reeved, superman, butt


to smoke marijuana that makes you paralyzed.

Did you go to class today JP?

No I got christopher reeved and haven't left the house in 3 days.

See reeves, paralyzed, weed, weed coma, reeved, immobile


When you smoke so much green, you become paralyzed.

I couldn't go anywhere today! I haven't spoken outloud in 4 hours! I got CHRISTOPHER REEVED!

See reeves, christopher, paralyzed, weed, high


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