Christ's Hospital

What is Christ's Hospital?


Christ's Hospital, often abbreviated as CH, is a boarding school. This school was actually once a nice place, that is now, in 2008, completely shit. This dramatic change took place as of September 2007, when Mr. John Wanklin took charge of the school. John Wanklin is the biggest aussie prick you could ever imagine. He was so awful he even scared away the other deputy heads in just one year. He doesn't know it, but he is the laughing stock of the school! Despite this school looking "posh" with the old-fashioned uniform, it is infact the complete opposite, yet most idiots fail to see through the fancy buildings and such. I would kindly request that JW took his shit and got the fuck out of CH, as he is just pissing everyone off.

I was going to get a good education at Christ's Hospital, but then sadly I realised how much of a wanker Mr. Wanklin really is. Shame really.

See wanker, dickhead, prick, headmaster, pussyhole


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